
Starfield ED102 F/7 APO

Starfield Optics

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Product Overview

The Starfield ED102 APO doublet offers incredible performance in both imaging a visual astronomy. Using FPL53 (Ohara, Japan) and a lanthanum element, chromatic correction rivals more expensive triplet telescopes with the advantage of faster cool down time. Taken to the highest magnification, images and views remain colour free. This fast refractor for lunar and solar system observation and demanding astrophotography applications.


  • 2.5" two speed rack and pinion focuser, with ball bearings, that is also fully rotatable rotation. Optional Motor focusers can easily be installed. Self centering rotational lock. No setscrews to come loose. Support for heavy camera loads and accessories.
  • Supports 2" and 1.25" eyepiece accessories
  • HD CNC tube rings and Vixen style dovetail bar
  • Retractable dew shield retractable for transport. With dew shield retracted the total length is 24”


  • Aperture 102 mm / focal length 714 mm / focal ratio f/7
  • Adjustable doublet in temperature compensated cell
  • Image free of chromatic error due to "Extra-Low-Dispersion" FPL53 apo element from Ohara (Japan) and Lanthanum element. Achieving better chromatic correction than comparable apochromats with doublet lenses with lower quality glass.
  • Shorter cooling time than with triplet lenses, thus quicker operation possible
  • Internally baffled to prevent stray light and get the contrast you would expect from performance refractors.
  • 2.5" two speed rack and pinion focuser that is also fully rotatable rotation. Optional Motor focusers can easily be installed. Self centering rotational lock. No setscrews to come loose. Support for heavy camera loads and accessories.
  • Supports 2" and 1.25" eyepiece accessories
  • HD CNC tube rings and Vixen style dovetail bar
  • Retractable dew shield retractable for transport. With dew shield retracted the total length is 26”


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  • 5
    ED102 F/7 APO

    Posted by Mark on 2024 Nov 27th

    Bought for quick easy visual use, nothing I would change on it very nice aesthetics and perfect star test with no purple colour, good seeing at 220x magnification on Jupiter could start to make out detailed cloud band structure and red spot structure how it blends into the other cloud bands, with good seeing on planets better views compared to my old XT8 Dobsonian on planets and stars. Mounted on a medium AZ manual mount two eyepieces and a barlow one hand I can carry it out from my basement onto the deck, 15 minutes to cool in below freezing temperatures and you can start using it. For asltrophotograpy basic .8x reducer ASI533 colour 4 minute subs 5 hours on the Iris nebula zero purple colour, looks just like my reflectors. I feel like it’s money well spent, no need for a triplet save the extra money and buy good eyepieces.